Monday 8 December 2008

udah lama...

halo smua...
lagi banyak ulangan nih...
jadi jarang nge-blog


bLog-nya dePh said...

Hi Youngky.
Just want to say hi...
Due to the, yah... You know-lah...
So I give you this 'not clear' comment... Hehehe...
Well,how do you do?
Have you prepare yourself to face the olympiad selection?
Ow, and don't forget to comment me back. Ok?
See ya...

theo_ariandi said...

Hi young,
Is your surename "Wanady" ?
Thanks to your blog. Because of your blog, there is a blog which I can comment on it.
Do you like physics? I think physics is very exciting. Have you learn about relativity? I think that is the most interesting part of physics. It can be applied anywhere, anytime and anytime.
Thank you

Clone_[z] said...
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